Monday, January 21, 2008

What's In Progress

Right now I'm working on three different concentration pieces and another piece not involved with class.

I turned this in for the last check in but I'm not sure I'm done yet. I want to repaint the words (not the title). It could be better.

Then I'm also working on: THE SUNDOWNER
It's just an enlarged version of my previous sketchbook image. I'm not a fan of this one though. It's got a lot of work to go, and the paper isn't very easy on erasers which SUX (with an x)

I also just started: THE ART CAMP MASSACRE (aka the story about the horror that went on at the art retreat...)
I'm almost done, just kidding.

Then my out of class art piece is of Annie and I
It's not done either and I know.. I look funny but thats cause it's a work in progress!

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